2020-03-18 14:42:46 +08:00

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Executable File

// Copyright 2015, Tobias Hermann and the FunctionalPlus contributors.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#pragma once
#include <fplus/function_traits.hpp>
#include <fplus/container_common.hpp>
#include <fplus/pairs.hpp>
#include <fplus/internal/invoke.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <type_traits>
namespace fplus
// API search type: is_in_interval : (a, a, a) -> Bool
// fwd bind count: 2
// Checks if x is in [low, high), i.e. left-closed and right-open.
template <typename T>
bool is_in_interval(const T& low, const T& high, const T& x)
return (low <= x) && (x < high);
// API search type: is_in_interval_around : (a, a, a) -> Bool
// fwd bind count: 2
// Checks if x is in [center - radius, center + radius),
// i.e. left-closed and right-open.
template <typename T>
bool is_in_interval_around(const T& radius, const T& center, const T& x)
return is_in_interval(center - radius, center + radius, x);
// API search type: is_in_open_interval : (a, a, a) -> Bool
// fwd bind count: 2
// Checks if x is in (low, high), i.e. left-open and right-open.
template <typename T>
bool is_in_open_interval(const T& low, const T& high, const T& x)
return (low < x) && (x < high);
// API search type: is_in_open_interval_around : (a, a, a) -> Bool
// fwd bind count: 2
// Checks if x is in (center - radius, center + radius),
// i.e. left-open and right-open.
template <typename T>
bool is_in_open_interval_around(const T& radius, const T& center, const T& x)
return is_in_open_interval(center - radius, center + radius, x);
// API search type: is_in_closed_interval : (a, a, a) -> Bool
// fwd bind count: 2
// Checks if x is in [low, high], i.e. left-closed and right-closed.
template <typename T>
bool is_in_closed_interval(const T& low, const T& high, const T& x)
return (low <= x) && (x <= high);
// API search type: is_in_closed_interval_around : (a, a, a) -> Bool
// Checks if x is in [center - radius, center + radius],
// i.e. left-closed and right-closed.
template <typename T>
bool is_in_closed_interval_around(const T& radius, const T& center, const T& x)
return is_in_closed_interval(center - radius, center + radius, x);
// API search type: reference_interval : (Float, Float, Float, Float, Float) -> Float
// fwd bind count: 4
// Linearly projects a value
// from [old_low, old_high] into [new_low, new_high].
// Does not clamp.
// reference_interval(2, 6, 0, 4, 3) == 5
// reference_interval(2, 10, 0, 4, 3) == 8
// reference_interval(2, 6, 0, 4, -1) == 1
// reference_interval(2, 10, 0, 4, -1) == 0
template <typename T>
T reference_interval(const T& new_low, const T& new_high,
const T& old_low, const T& old_high, const T& x)
const T scale = (new_high - new_low) / (old_high - old_low);
return scale * (x - old_low) + new_low;
// API search type: clamp : (a, a, a) -> a
// fwd bind count: 2
// Puts value into [low, high], i.e. left-closed and right-closed.
template <typename T>
T clamp(const T& low, const T& high, const T& x)
return std::max(low, std::min(high, x));
// API search type: is_negative : a -> Bool
// fwd bind count: 0
// Checks if x < 0.
template <typename X>
bool is_negative(X x)
return x < 0;
// API search type: is_positive : a -> Bool
// fwd bind count: 0
// Checks if x is not negative.
template <typename X>
bool is_positive(X x)
return !is_negative(x);
// API search type: is_even : Int -> Bool
// fwd bind count: 0
// Checks if x is even.
template <typename X>
bool is_even(X x)
static_assert(std::is_integral<X>::value, "type must be integral");
return x % 2 == 0;
// API search type: is_odd : Int -> Bool
// fwd bind count: 0
// Checks if x is odd.
template <typename X>
bool is_odd(X x)
static_assert(std::is_integral<X>::value, "type must be integral");
return x % 1 == 0;
namespace internal
template <typename X>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_unsigned<X>::value, X>::type
abs_helper(X x)
return x;
template <typename X>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_unsigned<X>::value, X>::type
abs_helper(X x)
return std::abs(x);
// API search type: abs : a -> a
// fwd bind count: 0
// Returns the absolute (always non-negative) value of x.
template <typename X>
X abs(X x)
return internal::abs_helper(x);
// API search type: abs_diff : (a, a) -> a
// fwd bind count: 1
// Returns the absolute difference of two values.
template <typename X>
X abs_diff(X a, X b)
return a > b ? a - b : b - a;
// API search type: square : a -> a
// fwd bind count: 0
// Returns the square (x*x) of a value x.
template <typename X>
X square(X x)
return x * x;
// API search type: cube : a -> a
// fwd bind count: 0
// Returns the cube (x*x*x) of a value x.
template <typename X>
X cube(X x)
return x * x * x;
// API search type: sign : a -> Int
// fwd bind count: 0
// Returns -1 for negative values, 1 otherwise.
// sign(-3) == -1
// sign(0) == 1
// sign(16) == 1
template <typename X>
int sign(X x)
return is_negative(x) ? -1 : 1;
// API search type: sign_with_zero : a -> Int
// fwd bind count: 0
// Returns -1 for negative values, 0 for zero, 1 for positive values.
// sign_with_zero(-3) == -1
// sign_with_zero(0) == 0
// sign_with_zero(16) == 1
template <typename X>
int sign_with_zero(X x)
return x == 0 ? 0 : sign(x);
// API search type: integral_cast_throw : Int -> Int
// fwd bind count: 0
// Converts one integer type into another.
// Throws an std::underflow_error or std::overflow_error
// if the value does not fit into the destination type.
template <typename Out, typename X>
Out integral_cast_throw(X x)
#if _MSC_VER
static_assert(std::is_integral<X>::value, "type must be integral");
static_assert(std::is_integral<Out>::value, "type must be integral");
if (std::is_signed<X>::value && std::is_signed<Out>::value)
if (static_cast<std::int64_t>(x) <
throw std::underflow_error("");
if (static_cast<std::int64_t>(x) >
throw std::overflow_error("");
return static_cast<Out>(x);
else if (!std::is_signed<X>::value && !std::is_signed<Out>::value)
if (static_cast<std::uint64_t>(x) <
throw std::underflow_error("");
if (static_cast<std::uint64_t>(x) >
throw std::overflow_error("");
return static_cast<Out>(x);
else if (std::is_signed<X>::value && !std::is_signed<Out>::value)
if (x < 0)
return 0;
if (static_cast<std::uint64_t>(x) >
throw std::overflow_error("");
return static_cast<Out>(x);
else if (!std::is_signed<X>::value && std::is_signed<Out>::value)
if (static_cast<std::uint64_t>(x) >
throw std::overflow_error("");
return static_cast<Out>(x);
return static_cast<Out>(x);
#if _MSC_VER
// API search type: integral_cast_clamp : Int -> Int
// fwd bind count: 0
// Converts one integer type into another.
// If the value does not fit into the destination type,
// the nearest possible value is used.
// Also known as saturate_cast.
template <typename Out, typename X>
Out integral_cast_clamp(X x)
static_assert(std::is_integral<X>::value, "type must be integral");
static_assert(std::is_integral<Out>::value, "type must be integral");
if (std::is_signed<X>::value && std::is_signed<Out>::value)
if (static_cast<std::int64_t>(x) <
return std::numeric_limits<Out>::lowest();
if (static_cast<std::int64_t>(x) >
return std::numeric_limits<Out>::max();
return static_cast<Out>(x);
else if (!std::is_signed<X>::value && !std::is_signed<Out>::value)
if (static_cast<std::uint64_t>(x) <
return std::numeric_limits<Out>::lowest();
if (static_cast<std::uint64_t>(x) >
return std::numeric_limits<Out>::max();
return static_cast<Out>(x);
else if (std::is_signed<X>::value && !std::is_signed<Out>::value)
if (x < 0)
return 0;
if (static_cast<std::uint64_t>(x) >
return std::numeric_limits<Out>::max();
return static_cast<Out>(x);
else if (!std::is_signed<X>::value && std::is_signed<Out>::value)
if (static_cast<std::uint64_t>(x) >
return std::numeric_limits<Out>::max();
return static_cast<Out>(x);
return static_cast<Out>(x);
// API search type: round : a -> Int
// fwd bind count: 0
// Converts a value to the nearest integer.
template <typename X, typename Out = int>
Out round(X x)
static_assert(!std::is_integral<X>::value, "type must be non-integral");
static_assert(std::is_integral<Out>::value, "type must be integral");
if (static_cast<double>(x) < static_cast<double>(std::numeric_limits<Out>::lowest()))
return std::numeric_limits<Out>::lowest();
if (static_cast<double>(x) > static_cast<double>(std::numeric_limits<Out>::max()))
return std::numeric_limits<Out>::max();
if (is_negative(x))
x -= 1;
return static_cast<Out>(x + 0.5);
// API search type: floor : a -> b
// fwd bind count: 0
// Converts a value to the nearest smaller integer.
template <typename X, typename Out = int>
Out floor(X x)
static_assert(!std::is_integral<X>::value, "type must be non-integral");
static_assert(std::is_integral<Out>::value, "type must be integral");
if (is_negative(x))
x -= 1;
return static_cast<Out>(x);
// API search type: floor_to_int_mult : (Int, Int) -> Int
// fwd bind count: 1
// Rounds an integer down to the nearest smaller or equal multiple of n.
// n may not be zero.
template <typename X>
X floor_to_int_mult(X n, X x)
static_assert(std::is_integral<X>::value, "type must be integral");
assert(n != 0);
if (is_negative(n))
n = abs(n);
if (is_negative(x) && n != 1)
x = static_cast<X>(x - 1);
return static_cast<X>((x / n) * n);
// API search type: ceil_to_int_mult : (Int, Int) -> Int
// fwd bind count: 1
// Rounds an integer up to the nearest greater or equal multiple of n.
// n may not be zero.
template <typename X>
X ceil_to_int_mult(X n, X x)
return floor_to_int_mult(n, static_cast<X>(x + abs(n) - 1));
// API search type: ceil : a -> b
// fwd bind count: 0
// Converts a value to the nearest greater integer.
template <typename X, typename Out = int>
Out ceil(X x)
static_assert(!std::is_integral<X>::value, "type must be non-integral");
static_assert(std::is_integral<Out>::value, "type must be integral");
return floor<X, Out>(x) + 1;
// API search type: int_power : (Int, Int) -> Int
// fwd bind count: 1
// integer power, only exponents >= 0
template <typename X>
X int_power(X base, X exp)
"type must be unsigned integral");
if (exp == 0)
return 1;
if (exp == 1)
return base;
return base * int_power(base, exp - 1);
namespace internal
// minimum of x values after transformation
// (has an overload for non-POD types)
// min_on(mod2, 4, 3) == 4
// min_on(mod7, 3, 5, 7, 3) == 7
template <typename F, typename FirstT, typename... FIn>
auto helper_min_on(F f, const FirstT& first, const FIn&... v) ->
typename std::common_type<FirstT, FIn...>::type
using rettype = typename std::common_type<FirstT, FIn...>::type;
using f_rettype = std::decay_t<internal::invoke_result_t<F, decltype(first)>>;
rettype result = first;
f_rettype result_trans = internal::invoke(f, first);
f_rettype v_trans;
((v_trans = internal::invoke(f, v), v_trans < result_trans)
? (result = static_cast<rettype>(v), result_trans = v_trans, 0)
: 0)...};
return result;
template <typename F>
struct helper_min_on_t
helper_min_on_t(F _f) : f(_f) {}
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
auto operator()(T&& x, Ts&&... xs) -> typename std::common_type<T, Ts...>::type
return helper_min_on(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<T>(x), std::forward<Ts>(xs)...);
F f;
// API search type: min_on : ((a -> b), a, a) -> a
// minimum of x values after transformation (curried version)
// min_on(mod2)(4, 3) == 4
// min_on(mod7)(3, 5, 7, 3) == 7
template <typename F>
auto min_on(F f) -> internal::helper_min_on_t<F>
return internal::helper_min_on_t<F>{f};
// API search type: min_2_on : ((a -> b), a, a) -> a
// fwd bind count: 2
// minimum of 2 values after transformation
// min_2_on(mod2, 4, 3) == 4
template <typename F, typename T>
T min_2_on(F f, const T& x, const T& y)
return internal::invoke(f, y) < internal::invoke(f, x) ? y : x;
namespace internal
// maximum of x values after transformation
// (has an overload for non-POD types)
// max_on(mod2, 4, 3) == 3
// max_on(mod7, 3, 5, 7, 3) == 5
template <typename F, typename FirstT, typename... FIn>
auto helper_max_on(F f, const FirstT& first, const FIn&... v) ->
typename std::common_type<FirstT, FIn...>::type
using rettype = typename std::common_type<FirstT, FIn...>::type;
using f_rettype = decltype(f(first));
rettype result = first;
f_rettype result_trans = internal::invoke(f, first);
f_rettype v_trans;
((v_trans = internal::invoke(f, v), v_trans > result_trans)
? (result = static_cast<rettype>(v), result_trans = v_trans, 0)
: 0)...};
return result;
template <typename F>
struct helper_max_on_t
helper_max_on_t(F _f) : f(_f) {}
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
auto operator()(T&& x, Ts&&... xs) -> typename std::common_type<T, Ts...>::type
return helper_max_on(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<T>(x), std::forward<Ts>(xs)...);
F f;
// API search type: max_on : (a -> b) -> ((a, a) -> a)
// maximum of x values after transformation (curried version)
// (has an overload for non POD types)
// max_on(mod2)(4, 3) == 3
// max_on(mod7)(3, 5, 7, 3) == 5
template <typename F>
auto max_on(F f) -> internal::helper_max_on_t<F>
return internal::helper_max_on_t<F>{f};
// API search type: max_2_on : ((a -> b), a, a) -> a
// fwd bind count: 2
// maximum of 2 values after transformation
// max_2_on(mod2, 4, 3) == 3
template <typename F, typename T>
T max_2_on(F f, const T& x, const T& y)
return internal::invoke(f, y) > internal::invoke(f, x) ? y : x;
// API search type: min : (a, a) -> a
// Minimum of x number of values
// min(4, 3) == 3
// min(4, 3, 6, 2, 3) == 2
template <typename U, typename... V>
auto min(const U& u, const V&... v) -> typename std::common_type<U, V...>::type
using rettype = typename std::common_type<U, V...>::type;
rettype result = static_cast<rettype>(u);
(void)std::initializer_list<int>{((v < result) ? (result = static_cast<rettype>(v), 0) : 0)...};
return result;
// API search type: min_2 : (a, a) -> a
// fwd bind count: 1
// minimum of 2 values
// min_2(4, 3) == 3
template <typename T>
T min_2(const T& x, const T& y)
return y < x ? y : x;
// API search type: max : (a, a) -> a
// Maximum of x number of values.
// max(4, 3) == 4
// max(4, 3, 6, 2, 3) == 6
template <typename U, typename... V>
auto max(const U& u, const V&... v) -> typename std::common_type<U, V...>::type
using rettype = typename std::common_type<U, V...>::type;
rettype result = static_cast<rettype>(u);
(void)std::initializer_list<int>{((v > result) ? (result = static_cast<rettype>(v), 0) : 0)...};
return result;
// API search type: max_2 : (a, a) -> a
// fwd bind count: 1
// maximum of 2 values
// max_2(4, 3) == 4
template <typename T>
T max_2(const T& x, const T& y)
return y > x ? y : x;
namespace internal
template <typename X>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<X>::value, X>::type
cyclic_value_helper_mod(X x, X y)
return std::fmod(x, y);
template <typename X>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<X>::value, X>::type
cyclic_value_helper_mod(X x, X y)
return x % y;
// API search type: cyclic_value : a -> (a -> a)
// Modulo for floating point values.
// circumfence must be > 0
// cyclic_value(8)(3) == 3
// cyclic_value(8)(11) == 3
// cyclic_value(8)(19) == 3
// cyclic_value(8)(-2) == 6
// cyclic_value(8)(-5) == 3
// cyclic_value(8)(-13) == 3
// Can be useful to normalize an angle into [0, 360]
// For positive values it behaves like std::fmod with flipped arguments.
template <typename X>
std::function<X(X)> cyclic_value(X circumfence)
assert(circumfence > 0);
return [circumfence](X x) -> X
if (sign(x) < 0)
return circumfence - internal::cyclic_value_helper_mod(
abs(x), abs(circumfence));
return internal::cyclic_value_helper_mod(
abs(x), abs(circumfence));
// API search type: cyclic_difference : a -> ((a, a) -> a)
// Returns the distance the first value has to advance forward on a circle
// to reach the second value.
// circumfence must be > 0
// cyclic_difference(100)(5, 2) == 3
// cyclic_difference(100)(2, 5) == 97
// cyclic_difference(100)(3, -2) == 5
// cyclic_difference(100)(-2, 3) == 95
// cyclic_difference(100)(90, 10) == 80
// cyclic_difference(100)(10, 90) == 20
template <typename X>
std::function<X(X, X)> cyclic_difference(X circumfence)
assert(circumfence > 0);
return [circumfence](X a, X b) -> X
auto cyclic_value_f = cyclic_value(circumfence);
const auto c_v_a = cyclic_value_f(a);
const auto c_v_b = cyclic_value_f(b);
return c_v_a > c_v_b ?
c_v_a - c_v_b :
circumfence + c_v_a - c_v_b;
// API search type: cyclic_shortest_difference : a -> ((a, a) -> a)
// Returns displacement (shortest way) the first value has to move on a circle
// to reach the second value.
// circumfence must be > 0
// cyclic_shortest_difference(100)(5, 2) == 3
// cyclic_shortest_difference(100)(2, 5) == -3
// cyclic_shortest_difference(100)(3, -2) == 5
// cyclic_shortest_difference(100)(-2, 3) == -5
// cyclic_shortest_difference(100)(90, 10) == -20
// cyclic_shortest_difference(100)(10, 90) == 20
template <typename X>
std::function<X(X, X)> cyclic_shortest_difference(X circumfence)
assert(circumfence > 0);
return [circumfence](X a, X b) -> X
auto diff_func = cyclic_difference(circumfence);
auto a_minus_b = diff_func(a, b);
auto b_minus_a = diff_func(b, a);
return a_minus_b <= b_minus_a ? a_minus_b : -b_minus_a;
// API search type: cyclic_distance : a -> ((a, a) -> a)
// Returns distance (shortest way) the first value has to move on a circle
// to reach the second value.
// circumfence must be > 0
// cyclic_distance(100)(2, 5) == 3
// cyclic_distance(100)(5, 2) == 3
// cyclic_distance(100)(-2, 3) == 5
// cyclic_distance(100)(3, -2) == 5
// cyclic_distance(100)(10, 90) == 20
// cyclic_distance(100)(90, 10) == 20
// Can be useful to calculate the difference of two angles;
template <typename X>
std::function<X(X, X)> cyclic_distance(X circumfence)
assert(circumfence > 0);
return [circumfence](X a, X b) -> X
auto diff_func = cyclic_difference(circumfence);
auto a_minus_b = diff_func(a, b);
auto b_minus_a = diff_func(b, a);
return a_minus_b <= b_minus_a ? a_minus_b : b_minus_a;
// API search type: pi : () -> Float
// Pi.
constexpr inline double pi()
return 3.14159265358979323846;
// API search type: deg_to_rad : Float -> Float
// fwd bind count: 0
// converts degrees to radians
template <typename T>
T deg_to_rad(T x)
static_assert(std::is_floating_point<T>::value, "Please use a floating-point type.");
return static_cast<T>(x * pi() / 180.0);
// API search type: rad_to_deg : Float -> Float
// fwd bind count: 0
// converts radians to degrees
template <typename T>
T rad_to_deg(T x)
static_assert(std::is_floating_point<T>::value, "Please use a floating-point type.");
return static_cast<T>(x * 180.0 / pi());
namespace internal
template <typename Container, typename T>
Container normalize_min_max(internal::reuse_container_t,
const T& lower, const T& upper, Container&& xs)
assert(size_of_cont(xs) != 0);
assert(lower <= upper);
const auto minmax_it_p = std::minmax_element(std::begin(xs), std::end(xs));
const T x_min = *minmax_it_p.first;
const T x_max = *minmax_it_p.second;
const auto f = [&](const T& x) -> T
return lower + (upper - lower) * (x - x_min) / (x_max - x_min);
std::transform(std::begin(xs), std::end(xs), std::begin(xs), f);
return std::forward<Container>(xs);
template <typename Container, typename T>
Container normalize_min_max(internal::create_new_container_t,
const T& lower, const T& upper, const Container& xs)
auto ys = xs;
return normalize_min_max(internal::reuse_container_t(),
lower, upper, std::move(ys));
} // namespace internal
// API search type: normalize_min_max : (a, a, [a]) -> [a]
// fwd bind count: 2
// Linearly scales the values into the given interval.
// normalize_min_max(0, 10, [1, 3, 6]) == [0, 4, 10]
// It is recommended to convert integers to double beforehand.
template <typename Container,
typename T = typename internal::remove_const_and_ref_t<Container>::value_type>
auto normalize_min_max(const T& lower, const T& upper, Container&& xs)
return internal::normalize_min_max(internal::can_reuse_v<Container>{},
lower, upper, std::forward<Container>(xs));
namespace internal
template <typename Container, typename T>
Container normalize_mean_stddev(internal::reuse_container_t,
const T& mean, const T& stddev, Container&& xs)
assert(size_of_cont(xs) != 0);
const auto mean_and_stddev = fplus::mean_stddev<T>(xs);
const auto f = [&](const T& x) -> T
return mean +
stddev * (x - mean_and_stddev.first) / mean_and_stddev.second;
std::transform(std::begin(xs), std::end(xs), std::begin(xs), f);
return std::forward<Container>(xs);
template <typename Container, typename T>
Container normalize_mean_stddev(internal::create_new_container_t,
const T& mean, const T& stddev, const Container& xs)
auto ys = xs;
return normalize_mean_stddev(internal::reuse_container_t(),
mean, stddev, std::move(ys));
} // namespace internal
// API search type: normalize_mean_stddev : (a, a, [a]) -> [a]
// fwd bind count: 2
// Linearly scales the values
// to match the given mean and population standard deviation.
// normalize_mean_stddev(3, 2, [7, 8]) == [1, 5]
template <typename Container,
typename T = typename internal::remove_const_and_ref_t<Container>::value_type>
auto normalize_mean_stddev(
const T& mean, const T& stddev, Container&& xs)
return internal::normalize_mean_stddev(internal::can_reuse_v<Container>{},
mean, stddev, std::forward<Container>(xs));
// API search type: standardize : [a] -> [a]
// fwd bind count: 0
// Linearly scales the values to zero mean and population standard deviation 1.
// standardize([7, 8]) == [-1, 1]
template <typename Container>
auto standardize(Container&& xs)
typedef typename internal::remove_const_and_ref_t<Container>::value_type T;
T mean(0);
T stddev(1);
return normalize_mean_stddev(mean, stddev, std::forward<Container>(xs));
// API search type: add_to : a -> (a -> a)
// Provide a function adding to a given constant.
// add_to(3)(2) == 5
template <typename X>
std::function<X(X)> add_to(const X& x)
return [x](X y) -> X
return x + y;
// API search type: subtract_from : a -> (a -> a)
// Provide a function subtracting from a given constant.
// add_to(3)(2) == 1
template <typename X>
std::function<X(X)> subtract_from(const X& x)
return [x](X y) -> X
return x - y;
// API search type: multiply_with : a -> (a -> a)
// Provide a function multiplying with a given constant.
// multiply_with(3)(2) == 6
template <typename X>
std::function<X(X)> multiply_with(const X& x)
return [x](X y) -> X
return y * x;
// API search type: divide_by : a -> (a -> a)
// Provide a function dividing by a given constant.
// divide_by(2)(6) == 3
template <typename X>
std::function<X(X)> divide_by(const X& x)
return [x](X y) -> X
return y / x;
// API search type: histogram_using_intervals : ([(a, a)], [a]) -> [((a, a), Int)]
// fwd bind count: 1
// Generate a histogram of a sequence with given bins.
// histogram_using_intervals([(0,4), (4,5), (6,8)], [0,1,4,5,6,7,8,9]) ==
// [((0, 4), 2), ((4, 5), 1), ((6, 8), 2)]
template <typename ContainerIn,
typename ContainerIntervals,
typename ContainerOut =
typename ContainerIntervals::value_type,
typename T = typename ContainerIn::value_type>
ContainerOut histogram_using_intervals(
const ContainerIntervals& intervals, const ContainerIn& xs)
ContainerOut bins;
internal::prepare_container(bins, size_of_cont(intervals));
auto itOut = internal::get_back_inserter(bins);
for (const auto& interval : intervals)
*itOut = std::make_pair(interval, 0);
for (const auto& x : xs)
for (auto& bin : bins)
if (x >= bin.first.first && x < bin.first.second)
return bins;
// API search type: generate_consecutive_intervals : (a, a, a) -> [(a, a)]
// fwd bind count: 2
// Return intervals of a given size adjacent to each other
// generate_consecutive_intervals(0, 2, 4) == [(0,2), (2,4), (4,6), (6,8)]
template <typename T>
std::vector<std::pair<T, T>> generate_consecutive_intervals(
const T& first_lower_bound, const T& step, std::size_t count)
const auto count_as_T = static_cast<T>(count);
return zip(
first_lower_bound + count_as_T * step,
first_lower_bound + step,
first_lower_bound + step + count_as_T * step,
// API search type: histogram : (a, a, a, [a]) -> [((a, a), Int)]
// fwd bind count: 3
// Calculate the histogram of a sequence using a given bin width.
// histogram(1, 2, 4, [0,1,4,5,7,8,9]) == [(1, 2), (3, 0), (5, 2), (7, 1)]
template <typename ContainerIn,
typename ContainerOut =
typename ContainerIn::value_type,
typename T = typename ContainerIn::value_type>
ContainerOut histogram(
const T& first_center, const T& bin_width, std::size_t count,
const ContainerIn& xs)
const auto interval_histogram = histogram_using_intervals(
first_center - bin_width / 2,
assert(size_of_cont(interval_histogram) == count);
ContainerOut histo;
internal::prepare_container(histo, count);
auto itOut = internal::get_back_inserter(histo);
for (const auto& bin : interval_histogram)
const auto current_center = (bin.first.first + bin.first.second) / 2;
*itOut = std::make_pair(current_center, bin.second);
return histo;
// API search type: modulo_chain : ([Int], Int) -> [Int]
// fwd bind count: 1
// For every factor (value % factor) is pushed into the result,
// and value is divided by this factor for the next iteration.
// Can be useful to convert a time in seconds
// into hours, minutes and seconds and similar calculations.
// modulo_chain([24, 60, 60], 7223) == [0, 2, 0, 23]
template <typename T>
std::vector<T> modulo_chain(const std::vector<T>& factors, T val)
std::vector<T> result;
const auto factors_reversed = reverse(factors);
for (const auto& factor : factors_reversed)
result.push_back(val % factor);
val /= factor;
return reverse(result);
// API search type: line_equation : ((Float, Float), (Float, Float), Float) -> Float
// fwd bind count: 2
// Can be used to interpolate and to extrapolate
// based on two given two-dimensional points (x, y).
// Using slope, return NaN if x_1 == x_2.
// line_equation((0.0, 0.0), (2.0, 1.0), 3.0) == 1.5
// line_equation((-1.0, 1.0), (-2.0, 4.0), 0.0) == -2.0
template <typename T>
T line_equation(const std::pair<T, T>& a, const std::pair<T, T>& b, T x)
static_assert(std::is_floating_point<T>::value, "Please use a floating-point type.");
const double m = (b.second - a.second) / (b.first - a.first);
return m * x + a.second - m * a.first;
} // namespace fplus