2020-03-18 14:42:46 +08:00

339 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

// Copyright 2015, Tobias Hermann and the FunctionalPlus contributors.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <vector>
#include <mutex>
#include <fplus/fplus.hpp>
#pragma once
namespace fplus
using FunctionName = std::string;
struct benchmark_function_report
std::size_t nb_calls;
ExecutionTime total_time;
ExecutionTime average_time;
ExecutionTime deviation;
namespace internal
std::string show_benchmark_function_report(
const std::map<FunctionName, benchmark_function_report> & reports);
// benchmark_session stores timings during a benchmark session
// and is able to emit a report at the end
class benchmark_session
benchmark_session() : functions_times_mutex_(), functions_times_() {};
// report() shall return a string with a summary of the session
// Example below:
// Function |Nb calls|Total time|Av. time|Deviation|
// ----------------------+--------+----------+--------+---------+
// convert_charset_string| 4000| 4.942ms| 1.236ns| 1.390ns|
// split_lines | 1000| 4.528ms| 4.528ns| 1.896ns|
inline std::string report() const
const auto reports = report_list();
return fplus::internal::show_benchmark_function_report(reports);
std::map<FunctionName, benchmark_function_report> report_list() const
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(functions_times_mutex_);
std::map<FunctionName, benchmark_function_report> report;
for (const auto & one_function_time : functions_times_)
report[one_function_time.first] = make_bench_report(one_function_time.second);
return report;
inline void store_one_time(const FunctionName & function_name, ExecutionTime time)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(functions_times_mutex_);
benchmark_function_report make_bench_report(
const std::vector<ExecutionTime> & times) const
benchmark_function_report result;
result.nb_calls = times.size();
auto mean_and_dev = fplus::mean_stddev<double>(times);
result.average_time = mean_and_dev.first;
result.deviation = mean_and_dev.second;
result.total_time = fplus::sum(times);
return result;
mutable std::mutex functions_times_mutex_;
std::map<FunctionName, std::vector<ExecutionTime>> functions_times_;
namespace internal
template<typename Fn>
class bench_function_impl
explicit bench_function_impl(
benchmark_session & benchmark_sess,
FunctionName function_name,
Fn fn)
: benchmark_session_(benchmark_sess)
, function_name_(function_name)
, fn_(fn)
template<typename ...Args> auto operator()(Args... args)
return _bench_result(args...);
template<typename ...Args>
auto _bench_result(Args... args)
fplus::stopwatch timer;
auto r = fn_(args...);
benchmark_session_.store_one_time(function_name_, timer.elapsed());
return r;
benchmark_session & benchmark_session_;
FunctionName function_name_;
Fn fn_;
template<typename Fn>
class bench_void_function_impl
explicit bench_void_function_impl(
benchmark_session & benchmark_sess,
FunctionName function_name,
Fn fn)
: benchmark_session_(benchmark_sess)
, function_name_(function_name)
, fn_(fn)
template<typename ...Args> auto operator()(Args... args)
template<typename ...Args>
auto _bench_result(Args... args)
fplus::stopwatch timer;
benchmark_session_.store_one_time(function_name_, timer.elapsed());
benchmark_session & benchmark_session_;
FunctionName function_name_;
Fn fn_;
} // namespace internal
// API search type: make_benchmark_function : (benchmark_session, string, (a... -> b)) -> (a... -> b)
// Transforms a function into a function with the *same* signature
// and behavior, except that it also stores stats into the benchmark session (first parameter),
// under the name given by the second parameter.
// -
// Notes:
// Side effects: make_benchmark_function *will add side effects* to the function, since it stores data
// into the benchmark session at each call.
// If you intend to benchmark only one function, prefer to use the simpler "make_timed_function"
// Use "make_benchmark_void_function" if your function returns void
// -
// Example of a minimal benchmark session (read benchmark_session_test.cpp for a full example)
// fplus::benchmark_session benchmark_sess;
// void foo() {
// auto add_bench = fplus::make_benchmark_function(benchmark_sess, "add", add);
// auto printf_bench = fplus::make_benchmark_void_function(benchmark_sess, "printf", printf);
// int forty_five = add_bench(20, add_bench(19, 6));
// int forty_two = benchmark_expression(benchmark_sess, "sub", forty_five - 3);
// printf_bench("forty_two is %i\n", forty_two);
// }
// int main() {
// foo();
// std::cout <<;
// }
// This will output a report like this
// Function|Nb calls|Total time|Av. time|Deviation|
// --------+--------+----------+--------+---------+
// printf | 1| 0.010ms| 9.952ns| 0.000ns|
// add | 2| 0.000ms| 0.050ns| 0.009ns|
// sub | 1| 0.000ms| 0.039ns| 0.000ns|
// -
// As an alternative to make_benchmark_function, you can also benchmark an expression.
// For example, in order to benchmark the following line:
// auto sorted = fplus::sort(my_vector);
// Just copy/paste this expression into "bench_expression" like shown below: this expression
// will then be benchmarked with the name "sort_my_vector"
// auto sorted = benchmark_expression(
// my_benchmark_session,
// "sort_my_vector",
// fplus::sort(my_vector);
// );
// Notes :
// benchmark_expression is a preprocessor macro that uses an immediately invoked lambda (IIL).
// The expression can be copy-pasted with no modification, and it is possible to not remove the ";"
// (although it also works if it is not present)
// You can also benchmark an expression that returns void using benchmark_void_expression
template<class Fn>
auto make_benchmark_function(benchmark_session & session, const FunctionName & name, Fn f)
// transforms f into a function with the same
// signature, that will store timings into the benchmark session
return internal::bench_function_impl<Fn>(session, name, f);
// API search type: make_benchmark_void_function : (benchmark_session, string, (a... -> Void)) -> (a... -> Void)
// Transforms a function that returns a void into a function with the *same* signature
// and behavior, except that it also stores stats into the benchmark session (first parameter),
// under the name given by the second parameter
// Note that make_benchmark_void_function *will add side effects* to the function
// (since it stores data into the benchmark session at each call)
// -
// Example:
// benchmark_session bench_session;
// ...
// void foo() {
// std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000));
// }
// ...
// auto foo_bench = make_benchmark_void_function(bench_session, "foo", foo);
// foo_bench();
// ...
// std::cout <<;
template<class Fn>
auto make_benchmark_void_function(benchmark_session & session, const FunctionName & name, Fn f)
// transforms a void returning function into a function with the same
// signature, that will store timings into the benchmark session
return internal::bench_void_function_impl<Fn>(session, name, f);
#define benchmark_expression(bench_session, name, expression) \
make_benchmark_function( \
bench_session, \
name, \
[&]() { return expression; } \
#define benchmark_void_expression(bench_session, name, expression) \
make_benchmark_void_function( \
bench_session, \
name, \
[&]() { expression; } \
namespace internal
inline std::string show_table(const std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>& rows)
if (rows.empty() || rows[0].empty())
return "";
const std::vector<std::size_t> columns_width = [&]() {
auto string_size = [](const std::string & s) -> std::size_t { return s.size(); };
auto largest_string_size = [&](const std::vector<std::string> & strings) -> std::size_t {
return string_size(fplus::maximum_on(string_size, strings));
return fplus::transform(largest_string_size, fplus::transpose(rows));
auto show_one_element = [](const std::pair<std::string, std::size_t> & elem_and_width) {
const std::string & element = elem_and_width.first;
const auto col_width = elem_and_width.second;
bool is_number = element.size() > 0 && isdigit(element[0]);
if (is_number)
return fplus::show_fill_left(' ', col_width, element) + "|";
return fplus::show_fill_right(' ', col_width, element) + "|";
auto show_one_separator = [](std::size_t col_width) {
return fplus::show_fill_left('-', col_width, "") + "+";
auto show_one_row = [&](const std::vector<std::string> & row) {
return fplus::sum(fplus::transform(
fplus::zip(row, columns_width)));
auto firstrow_separator = fplus::sum(fplus::transform(show_one_separator, columns_width));
auto rows_formatted = fplus::transform(show_one_row, rows);
auto rows_separated = fplus::insert_at_idx(1, firstrow_separator, rows_formatted);
return fplus::join( std::string("\n"), rows_separated) + "\n";
inline std::vector< std::pair<FunctionName, benchmark_function_report> > make_ordered_reports(
const std::map<FunctionName, benchmark_function_report> & report_map)
auto report_pairs = fplus::map_to_pairs(report_map);
auto report_pairs_sorted = fplus::sort_by([](const auto &a, const auto &b) {
return a.second.total_time > b.second.total_time;
}, report_pairs);
return report_pairs_sorted;
inline std::string show_benchmark_function_report(const std::map<FunctionName, benchmark_function_report> & reports)
auto ordered_reports = make_ordered_reports(reports);
auto my_show_time_ms = [](double time) -> std::string {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3);
ss << (time * 1000.);
return ss.str() + "ms";
auto my_show_time_ns = [](double time) -> std::string {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3);
ss << (time * 1000000.);
return ss.str() + "ns";
std::vector<std::string> header_row{ {
"Function", "Nb calls", "Total time", "Av. time", "Deviation"
} };
auto value_rows = fplus::transform([&](const auto & kv) {
const auto & report = kv.second;
const auto & function_name = kv.first;
std::vector<std::string> row;
return row;
return fplus::internal::show_table(fplus::insert_at_idx(0, header_row, value_rows));
} // namespace internal